Compassionate Inquiry Volunteer Program

Note: this page is for those that have completed the Compassionate Inquiry Professional Online Training. If you would like learn more about the training or apply, click here for more info.

What Is a Compassionate Inquiry Volunteer?

  • The Compassionate Inquiry Volunteer position is offered as a year of learning and personal/professional development for individuals who have completed the Compassionate Inquiry professional training
  • Volunteering is an opportunity to use your passion and skills to contribute to Compassionate Inquiry
  • It is a stand-alone experience, that may or may not lead to future association with the Compassionate Inquiry Team of Facilitators/Mentors/Interns/Circle Leaders/Educators
  • The experience itself can be enriching

3 Primary Intentions Associated with the Volunteer Role:

  1. To support the intention, vision, program, facilitators, participants, structure, evolution, and expansion of Compassionate Inquiry
  2. Further learning to enhance your Compassionate Inquiry skills
  3. To integrate Compassionate Inquiry into your professional career

Eligibility in Applying for a Compassionate Inquiry Volunteer Position:

  • You must have completed all of the course requirements for the year-long training before applying as a volunteer, or you will have completed them by the end of your year long training
  • You must be currently practicing Compassionate Inquiry with your clients
  • You can commit to be a volunteer for one full year

How Are Volunteers Selected?

Candidates will be selected based on their professional background, the recommendation of their biweekly facilitator, their Compassionate Inquiry skill level as assessed in their videos, their expressed intentions as a volunteer and whether we think they would be a good fit for our Compassionate Inquiry Team. The number of volunteers required for each cohort is dependent on the number of biweekly groups. Two volunteers are allotted per biweekly group.

Once a candidate is accepted for the volunteer program, we reserve the right to remove them from the volunteer position at any point if it seems they are not a good fit, or if the Compassionate Inquiry Code of Ethics for Practitioners is breached.

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • Mentors with one primary facilitator and attends 6 biweekly meetings with at least one online group throughout the year
  • Attends two biweekly sessions at the beginning of each level to stay connected with their biweekly group
  • Assists online participants  when doing triads to ensure they are following the Dyad/Triad guidelines
  • Sits in on triad sessions for participants in the online group once in Level 1 (6 triad sessions, 1 hr each, in first month of training); once in Level 2 (6 triad sessions, 1 hr each, in fifth month of training) and once in Level 3 (6 triad sessions) Intention is to ensure safety for participants by ensuring the guidelines are being adhered to.
  • Relays information back to Facilitator of any challenges in the pods or dyads/triads


  • Free annual membership for one year
  • Volunteers may attend Intern video reviews in their level (as a silent witness)
  • Be part of the CI team that is supporting new students

The September Cohort Volunteer program:

 Please complete the application by August 15, 2024, for the CI Volunteer program that runs from September 16, 2024 to October 13, 2025.. Candidates will be notified if they have been accepted by September 01, 2024..

Planned Dates to Welcome the Interns and Volunteers:

  • Welcome Meeting – September 2024 Interns and Volunteers
    Sunday, September 1 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm ET
  • Orientation Meeting – September 2024 Interns and Volunteers
    Tuesday, September 3 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm ET
  • Q&A Meeting – September 2024 Interns and Volunteers
    Saturday, September 7 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm ET

These dates are planned, but we might need to change them if the groups are not ready. We will keep you informed.

Opportunities in Compassionate Inquiry

Click the button below to see all opportunities available to you after completing the Compassionate Inquiry Internship.

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