Beth Sanderson

Contact Details

IMG-2885 (2)

Beth Sanderson

Beth is a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, Compassionate Inquiry circle leader, Integrated baby therapist and a Cranio-Sacral therapist. She has been part of the senior tutoring team at the College of Cranio-Sacral therapy in London for the past 8 years. Beth Integrates many modalities with a strong somatic approach, infusing  mindfulness, ancient wisdom, spirituality, Art therapy and pre and perinatal psychology.

Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
Other Certified Training
BA honours Dance with fine Art
British Wheel Teacher Training in Hatha Yoga (2002)
Registered Cranio-Sacral therapist (2006)
Integrated Baby Therapist (2017)
Birth processing (2017)
Umbilical Resonance (2018)
Completed CI mentorship (2021)
Completed CI intern program (2021)
Completed basics of supervision Training with Lois Ehrmann
In progress CI mentoring Internship. (2021)
CI Circle leader (2021)
Body Worker


Contact Information

East Sussex, UK

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