Blanca Urquijo

Contact Details


Blanca Urquijo

Blanca would be honoured to accompany you in your healing journey using Compassionate Inquiry, being by your side, providing safety and support while you connect to your body and feel. The goal is to free yourself from old beliefs and behavioural patterns that keep you stuck and are preventing you from enjoying and achieving your full authentic potential. You will be invited to pay attention to what is present for you, emotionally and in your body at the present moment. It may become possible to connect the dots between past and present and to put actions in place to meet all your inner child needs from the wisdom of your authentic self.

Every single emotion you may feel is welcomed. You can be authentic and vulnerable in this non judgemental space. This is your own journey towards authenticity and wholeness, where the therapist is just a witness.

You set the pace and the intention for each session. Each session is a step forward towards your true self.

The intention is to unveil, with playfulness and curiosity, the root causes for the patters that are negatively affecting your life.

The goal is find your own personal truth and well being through presence, acceptance, safety, safe attachment building, re parenting yourself and finding health and balance at all levels.

Blanca was born and raised in Madrid, Spain. She is a woman, daughter, sister, mother, stepmother, wife and friend. She is a body and mind therapist, a healer, a translator, a lover of art, nature and humanity. She lives in Switzerland since 2016 and travels to Spain often. She offers in person sessions in both countries and online sessions for her clients all over the world.

Blanca is a Compassionate Inquiry (CI) Certified Practitioner. Completed Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training in 2022, Mentorship Program in 2023 and Certification in 2024

She loves expressing herself through art. She is an amateur photographer, loves writing, reading, singing, painting, dancing, making jewellery and all crafts. She needs, recharges and finds her spiritual connection in nature. She enjoys solo time, and quiet walks in the forest and swims in the lake and also loves celebrating life with friends and family.


Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
English (bilingual), Spanish (mother tongue), French (high level), Italian (intermediate level)
Other Certified Training
Neurobiology, Attachment and Secure Relationships AMP3 Training Course (Trauma Solutions - Diane Poole Heller) 2021,
Fundamental of Attachment Styles AMP1 Training Course (Trauma Solutions - Diane Poole Heller) 2021,
Working with Complex Trauma: Untangling Somatic Wounds. (Trauma Solutions. Peter A. Levine and Diane Poole Heller) 2023,
Somawise Online Somatic/Experiential course (Soma Wise Healing Lab - Luke Sniewski) 2023,
HSP informed Therapist (Highly Sensitive Person Informed Therapeutical Approach) Julie Bjelland and Elaine Aaron. 2021-2022,
Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma (NICABM)
Reiki Master (Level IV) 2012-2015, Arun Conscious Touch
Massage Therapist 2014-2015,
Bachelors of Arts. Major. Translation and Interpreting. ICADE 1997-2001 Madrid.
Mental Health Professional
ADHD, Adolescents, Anxiety, Child, Codependency, Couples, Depression, Divorce, Life Coaching, Marriage Counselling, Parenting, Self-esteem, Sleep of Insomnia, Stress, Trauma and PTSD, Women's health
Hourly Rate in CAD
Sliding Scale Available
Accepting New Clients


Contact Information

Blonay - Saint-Légier, Switzerland

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