Dagmara K Ziniewicz

Contact Details

daga zat

Dagmara K Ziniewicz


Dagmara is a Holistic Trauma Informed Life Coach and Non Dual Somatic Meditation Teacher. She is also a Compassionate Inquiry Mentor.

She supports people on their journey of self healing to Embodied, Authentic and Empowered Living integrating a variety of approaches that focus on body, mind, and spirit.

Training extensively on her own journey in the holistic healing arts and personal development for over 2 decades, she not only studied but also experienced and practiced many modalities. 

The diversity of her studies span from NLP Hypnosis to Sacred Plant Medicine. To mention just a few – The Journey Method, Psychodrama, NVC, Bioenergetics and work of Alexander Lowen, Vipassana, Diamond Approach, Somatic Experiencing, Osho Dynamic Mediations, Family Constellation, Non Dual Psychotherapy...

She is a creator of Metamorfosis Conscious Coaching and Empowerment Program called Be Your Own Standard.

Her passion to understand the human experience, brought her to explore the core of it all - the separation from our authentic self and the mechanisms of self rejection - which are the reasons of our suffering.

In her work she focuses on self integration that has to happen on all three levels - body, mind and spirit - as she believes that they all are equally important.

To learn how our unconscious patterns, defensive mechanisms and self deprecating beliefs constitute our mental, emotional and even physical states, she studied Dr Mate’s Professional Training in Compassionate Inquiry (2020).

She completed CI Mentorship Program, CI Circles Internship and now is working as an Assistant Teacher in the CI Internship Program.

Daga is also a student of a Zen Coaching in Sweden.

See more information at https://www.dagmarametamorfosis.com/

Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
Other Certified Training
MSc Pedagogy/Education(Poland )
Kundalini Yoga Teacher( USA, 2013)
Integrative Restorative Yoga(India,2019)
NLP Coach and Hypnotherapist (UK 2019)
Meditation Teacher (India,US, Mexico,UK,Sweden)
Conscious Sexuality Professional Training 2024
Life Coach


Contact Information

United Kingdom, Poland, Spain

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