Elaine Riché

Contact Details


Elaine Riché

With 20 years’ experience in complementary therapies, I specialise in reflexology and Compassionate Inquiry. I find that both are transformative modalities that combine synergistically, to great effect. Growing up in Northern Ireland with the backdrop of the intergenerational trauma of the Troubles, has developed a passion to take this work out into the community.

My private practice encompasses both in person and on-line sessions. My community work involves programmes for people living with a cancer diagnosis, mental health issues and general wellbeing. I also event manage bereavement retreats hosted by Spiritual Care, Dzogchenbeara.

I feel deeply privileged to work with people on their healing journey and I am forever grateful to the teachers and experiences that have led me to this work.

Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
English and French
Other Certified Training
IRI diploma in Reflexology
ACDLT Deep Listening
Touch for Health Kinesiology
auricular accupuncture
Somatic Therapist
addiction anxiety depression grief and loss hospice illness sexual abuse trauma Women's Health


Contact Information

4 The Boulevard, Coleraine, UK

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