Lisa Jamison

Contact Details

Lisa Jamison

Lisa Jamison

For nearly four decades, Lisa has continually added body-based practices to her professional strategies. Although these modalities often function as stand-alone treatments, she understands that the fullness of the body’s story is best seen with her keen eye for movement (both reaction and deliberate), augmented by her hands on approach, facilitated in trusting relationship, and strengthened with complementary tools. The addition of Compassionate Inquiry to her practice has added a level of conversation that has truly enhanced the depth of Somatic Processing her clients experience.

Through all her offerings, Lisa takes a multidisciplinary approach to helping her clients perform to their potential, remove physical and emotional barriers, and identify underlying limitations.

Lisa sees private clients in-person and virtually, works with small groups and classes, and offers complementary practices via online platforms.

Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
Other Certified Training
Athletic Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Massage Therapist/Bodyworker, Somatic Movement Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Healing Breathwork Facilitator, Yoga Therapist (Medical Therapeutic Yoga), Yoga Teacher and Teacher Trainer, Certified Sound Healer, Sport Coach (USAT, USAC), Health and Wellness Coach, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer
Somatic Therapist
Chronic Pain Trauma and PTSD


Contact Information

Tampa, FL, USA

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