Terri Roberton

Contact Details

Terri Headshot

Terri Roberton

Terri, an Expressive Arts Therapist (ExAT) since 2009, considers the Arts the original deep space of healing and transformation. She brings her years of experience to creating kind, safe, welcoming groups at Arts Drop-Ins serving street-involved and homeless adults where she works with members on reconnecting the self with its abundant inner resources and then with the world; all through the surprises brought forward as the Arts open to the light of curiosity.

Working from her private practice in Leslieville, as well as online, Terri’s compassion, authenticity, and presence support a consistent, non-judgemental environment that is open-hearted, accepting and empowering.

Terri has a decade providing Clinical Supervision. She is also available for Arts-Based Research structures, solo with small, or accompanied by a team of ExAT's, with large corporate groups. Her practice is 2SLGBTTQQIAPSW+ and anti-oppression framework informed.

The addition of Compassionate Inquiry brings a fresh new lens to the ExAT work.

Conference Workshop and Guest Lecture Presentations:

"Bridging Isolation Through Co-Creational Culture": At Health Promotion, Nursing, Health Equity and Education Conferences
“Arts-Based Research Methods”: Ryerson University

Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
English, spoken French
Other Certified Training
Intersectional Anti-Oppression Feminist Facilitation Framework (WCREC)
Concurrent Disorders Certificate (CAMH)
Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery (mentored by Valerie Mason-John)
Indigenous Cultural Competency Training Level 1 and 2 (OFIFC)
Cybercounselling Level 1 and 2 (therapyonline.ca)
HIV/AIDS 101 (Toronto Public Health)
Addiction ADHD Adoption Anxiety Depression FASD First Nations Grief and loss LGBTQI2+ Sexual Abuse Trauma and PTSD Veterans Women's health


Contact Information

61 Berkshire Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

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