Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training

Join us for the Compassionate Inquiry Professional Online Training, starting in Jan 2019

Therapists and health professionals are invited to participate in a 240 hour, year long online training in Compassionate Inquiry for personal and professional development. Using Compassionate Inquiry, you will be able to unveil the level of consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, implicit memories and body states that form the real messages in clients that their words both express and conceal. 

    What the course contains …

    • Dive into a thorough exploration of Compassionate Inquiry, a powerful therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté for healing trauma and understanding mental and physical illness
    • Over 30 hours of video with Dr. Gabor Maté teaching and demonstrating Compassionate Inquiry
    • Over 50 videotaped recordings and transcripts of Dr. Gabor Maté modelling Compassionate Inquiry with clients
    • Over 600 pages of transcripts compiled and organized from five 2-day workshops
    • 8 modules of teachings on safety, attunement, trauma, triggers, attachment, authenticity, diagnoses, memory, beliefs, emotions, pain, addiction, children …
    • A recommended reading list for each module
    • Over 220 hours of engagement with peers, online facilitators, live Zoom calls with Dr. Gabor Maté and video recordings

    How you will benefit …

    • Develop 9 essential qualities within yourself to be an effective therapist
    • Practice 9 experiential breathing exercises to enhance personal development
    • Benefit from practical tools including the Compassionate Inquiry Map and the chart of Feelings vs Perceptions
    • Learn how to maintain safety in the therapeutic container
    • Become more aware of the verbal and non-verbal cues of your clients
    • Learn the 7 Pillars of Compassionate Inquiry
    • Learn and practice the 22 skills required in Compassionate Inquiry
    • Discover and master the cycle of 17 Stepping Stones used in the line of inqury
    • Become more effective in working with clients
    • Nurture compassion for all parts of yourself and others
    • Free yourself from unconscious beliefs that run your life
    • Connect to your in-the-present-self
    • Become more attuned to the messages from your body and to your clients

    Who you will meet …

    • Your course facilitator, during 19 bi-weekly meetings, 90 minutes each
    • Gabor Maté, during at least 8 scheduled group Zoom calls for Q&A
    • Your online cohort of appoximately 18 other health professionals
    • Your pod of 6 others with whom you will practice Compassionate Inquiry throughout the year
    • The larger Compassionate Inquiry Community through a closed Facebook group

    How you will connect …

    • Weekly 60-90 min practice sessions on Zoom with members of your pod, in dyads and triads
    • Bi-weekly 90 minute Zoom sessions with your course facilitator
    • Discussion group and Facebook group with the larger Compassionate Inquiry community
    • Regularly, on group Zoom calls with Gabor Maté, for Q&A – the first 4 calls are scheduled for

    Your Responsibilities:

    • A minimum commitment of 4 hours a week engaging with the material and practice
    • Read the online course material pdfs and watch the videos of Dr. Gabor Maté teaching
    • Complete the short quizzes for each video in each module
    • Attend weekly 60 minute skill building sessions with your peers, practicing the elements of Compassionate Inquiry, for a total of 5O sessions or more within the year
    • Be prepared for your bi-weekly group meeting by answering the home practice questions provided for each module
    • Attend 19 bi-weekly 90 minute Zoom group calls with your online facilitator and maintain at least 80% attendance
    • Complete at least 25 case study forms
    • Record 5 videos of you practicing Compassionate Inquiry with clients or peers
    • Complete a comprehensive Competency Assessment Form for yourself and for 3 other members of your pod (self-assessment and peer assessment)

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