May 2021 Cohort Bi-Weekly Meeting Dates


Below are the dates for the biweekly meetings in the May cohort for the year. Your confirmed day of the week will be sent to you in early May.

If your meeting is on Monday, the first meeting date will be on Monday, May 24, 2021.

If your meeting is on Sunday, the first meeting will be Sunday, May 30, 2021.

The dates below are the meeting dates for the year. Check these dates with your annual calendar to be sure you can attend at least 22 out of the 27 meetings. 80% attendance is required for course completion and eligibility for certification. The time may shift one hour twice a year when there is a time change in Canada. Ask your facilitator about this when you begin the program.

May 24, Jun 7, 21, Jul 5, 19, Aug 2, 16, 30, Sept 13,
Sept 27, Oct 11, 25, Nov 8, 22, Dec 6, Jan 3, 17
Jan 31, Feb 14, 28, Mar 14, 28, Apr 11, 25, May 9, 23, Jun 6

May 25, Jun 8, 22, Jul 6, 20, Aug 3, 17, 31, Sept 14
Sept 28, Oct 12, 26, Nov 9, 23, Dec 7, Jan 4, 18
Feb 1, 15, Mar 1, 15, 29, Apr 12, 26, May 10, 24, Jun 7

May 26, Jun 9, 23, Jul 7, 21, Aug 4, 18, Sept 1, 15
Sept 29, Oct 13, 27, Nov 10, 24, Dec 8, Jan 5, 19
Feb 2, 16, Mar 2, 16, 30, Apr 13, 27, May 11, 25, Jun 8

May 27, Jun 10, 24, Jul 8, 22, Aug 5, 19, Sept 2, 16
Sept 30, Oct 14, 28, Nov 11, 25, Dec 9, Jan 6, 20
Feb 3, 17, Mar 3, 17, 31, Apr 14, 28, May 12, 26, Jun 9

May 28, Jun 11, 25, Jul 9, 23, Aug 6, 20, Sept 3, 17
Oct 1, 15, 29, Nov 12, 26, Dec 10, Jan 7, 21
Feb 4, 18, Mar 4, 18, Apr 1, 15, 29, May 13, 27, Jun 10

May 29, Jun 12, 26, Jul 10, 24, Aug 7, 21, Sept 4, 18
Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 13, 27, Dec 11, Jan 8, 22
Feb 5, 19, Mar 5, 19, Apr 2, 16, 30, May 14, 28, Jun 11

May 30, Jun 13, 27, Jul 11, 25, Aug 8, 22, Sept 5, 19
Oct 3, 17, 31, Nov 14, 28, Dec 12, Jan 9, 23
Feb 6, 20, Mar 6, 20, Apr 3, 17, May 1, 15, 29, Jun 12

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