Hosted by Kevin Young. Produced by J’aime Rothbard

Warren Mccaig
The Gifts of Trauma Podcast

Finding Grace and Forgiveness in Connection with Warren McCaig

Warren’s story of overcoming deep-rooted shame, loneliness and isolation highlights our universal human needs for acceptance and connection. His personal journey demonstrates the profound impact of his conservative religious upbringing and shows how he, in recognizing the damaging effects of shame, fundamentalism and inauthenticity, found the people…

Finding Grace and Forgiveness in Connection with Warren McCaig Read More >>

Stephen Brown Front
The Gifts of Trauma Podcast

Reflecting on the Traumas of Northern Ireland’s Troubles with Stephen Brown 

Have you been impacted by a complex and turbulent environment? Are you seeking deeper understanding, healing and growth from those experiences? Look no further than Stephen Brown – an expert guide well-versed in trauma and divisions. Drawing from his first-hand experiences growing up amidst the complex divisions of…

Reflecting on the Traumas of Northern Ireland’s Troubles with Stephen Brown  Read More >>

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