Dimitra Kalogeropoulou

Circle Leader/Clinical Psychologist

Dimitra is a Registered Clinical Psychologist living in Thessaloniki Greece. Dimitra has a BA in European Cultural Studies, a BA in Psychology and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology. She is a certified Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, and has completed both the Compassionate Inquiry Internship and Mentorship Programs.  But most importantly, Dimitra has done a lot of work to overcome trauma and her own addictions that opened her up to the idea of presence and the importance of this concept in healing.

She is honored to be able to support others as a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner and as a Circle leader providing a safe space to uncover the root causes of pain and suffering while bringing compassion, respect, acceptance, insight, freedom and playfulness to them.

Her vision is to help others start travelling light…

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