Contact Details

Marcia Rodríguez Ramírez
My base profession is nursing, a sector in which I worked for 15 years until I became a mother for the first time. At that moment I felt a very strong inner call that asked me to make a radical change in my life, so I left my job and, while I was dedicating myself to motherhood, I realized that I no longer knew very well who I was, so the first thing I went looking for was help to get back to myself.
Then, I recognized that what I was most passionate about nursing was to listen to the other person: their pain, their anguish, their uncertainty, their longing, their hope; and I realized that I felt great satisfaction in coming alongside them and gifting them my active listening during those moments of such vulnerability. So, I started studying to learn how to professionally accompany other people through the difficulties and challenges in their life experiences.
I first trained as a parenting coach at the Yvonne Laborda Institute, then I did the one-year Compassionate Inquiry® Professional training and I immediately knew that this was the approach with which I wanted accompany others through their emotional growth processes, so I took the Compassionate Inquiry® Mentoring Program and then became certified as a Practitioner.
I am sure that I will continue studying and training in this new professional realm that I´ve chosen, but above all, I am sure that I will committed to never stop working on myself, in my self-care and self-knowledge practices (yoga, meditation, mindfulness, therapy...) because my commitment is I want to continue knowing myself in depth and sharing myself from authenticity.
I offer you honest and compassionate support, free of judgments, criticism or demands, where you can be yourself and address any issue with which you need support.
Practitioner Info
Compassionate Inquiry® One Year Professional Training
Compassionate Inquiry® Mentoring Program