Varduhi Torosyan


Varduhi’s journey with Compassionate Inquiry began in 2019 as a participant in the Professional Training. Having completed Mentorship and Internship programs, she continues her journey in Compassionate Inquiry as a Mentoring Intern and Compassionate Inquiry circle leader.

Simultaneously she pursued her therapeutic endeavours with Daniel Siegel exploring Interpersonal Neurobiology. She is a member of APA.

Varduhi has MA in Applied Linguistics and MA in Pedagogy which significantly facilitates her interaction with clients, as well as interpretation of their body language.

Her therapeutic practices officially began in 2015  when she completed a Postgraduate study in Psychology.

Her philosophy of therapy is client-centered, predominantly based on a safe client – therapist relationship where the healing process (becoming whole) is possible in the presence of trust and compassion. She’s convinced that good therapy is about the  relationship and not  the specific approach or method used.

Varduhi is doing online-based psychotherapy, along with private practices in the Armenia.

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