Founding Facilitators

The following people have been certified by Dr. Gabor Maté as Compassionate Inquiry Facilitators and were the first facilitation team. We are grateful for their dedication and meaningful contributions.

Maria Egervari (Manjeet Adi)

Private Mentor, ND

My journey in working with people has been meandering, covering a lot of aspects from physica, to mental-emotional and social aspects of health and wellbeing. I unpredictably ended up in Beyond Addiction, a yoga and process work immersion program, working with Sat Dharam and attending the first 2-day Compassionate Inquiry […]

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Rhonda Nelson

Compassionate Inquiry Founding Facilitator and Practitioner

Rhonda is a Compassionate Inquiry practitioner, founding facilitator, mentor/consultant for certification, certification reviewer, circle leader, psychotherapist and plant medicine integration specialist. Compassionate Inquiry is the foundation upon which she works, integrating other strong somatic modalities including Internal Family Systems (IFS), Hakomi, and Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT). She also draws from […]

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Sheila Ann Tyacke (Siri Dharma)

Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator and Practitioner

Sheila is a certified Compassionate Inquiry practitioner.  She has been a facilitator of the online training since its inception in 2019.  She co-leads the Safety and Connection course that is part of the online training, where the focus is on creating safety in Compassionate Inquiry sessions. Sheila and Vimalasara Mason-John […]

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Dave Petersen

Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator and Practitioner

Dave initiated his healing journey in 1985, when he began participating in sacred ceremonies with elders from Cree, Lakota and Shushwap First Nations. He trained as a Child, Youth and Family Support Worker, and assists high risk youth and families, including those with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. He is certified […]

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Sanjog Kaur

Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator and Practitioner

Sanjog is from Quito, Ecuador. She is a therapist, anthropologist (NYU), translator and interpreter. She has translated Dr. Gabor Maté’s work and videos into Spanish in support of both the Beyond Addiction program and the Compassionate Inquiry training. She is a Kundalini Yoga Instructor (KRI) and lead trainer in the […]

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Dr. Wendy Harris (Livtar Kaur)

Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator and Practitioner

Dr. Wendy Harris (Livtar Kaur) is clinical psychologist and a KRI Level II Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and International Trainer for Beyond Addiction: The Yogic Path to Recovery. She is also the Director of the Addiction and Recovery Specialization at Antioch University in Los Angeles where she trains therapists in a compassionate, multi-dimensional […]

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Tony Hoare

Tony has acted in a supportive role during at least 15 of Gabor’s 9 day retreats. He has observed hundreds of hours of Gabor practicing compassionate inquiry and works with people one-on-one for emotional healing.

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Sat Dharam Kaur ND

Co-Executive Director, CEO, Facilitator and Practitioner

Sat Dharam is a naturopathic doctor and author and has supported Dr. Gabor Maté in structuring the Compassionate Inquiry approach so that others can learn it. She has published three books on women’s health. She created the Beyond Addiction program, a yogic path to recovery, as well as the Healthy […]

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Sat Charan Simran Kaur

Compassionate Inquiry Facilitator and Practitioner

Sat Charan Simran is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a professional Beyond Addiction Instructor, Trainer,  and Mental Health lead.  She is a Registered Social Worker, with training and 30 years experience in counselling in the areas of addiction, mental health, and trauma.  She currently has a private practice in Vancouver.

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Sheila Ann Tyacke (Siri Dharma)

CI Facilitator and Practitioner

Sheila grew up with a great sense of justice and, because of that, went on to study law and become an attorney. She studied three of her degrees in South Africa and the fourth at Stanford University, where she studied subjects such as Racism in American Law and Feminist Legal […]

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