Anouk Wehli

Anouk joined Compassionate Inquiry in 2020 and actively works as a Practitioner as well as an intern, volunteer, focus group leader and mentor-in-training.

The trauma lens Compassionate Inquiry offers has deepened her work as a grief counsellor, birth worker, mediator and bodyworker. Having survived cultural and generational trauma, she knows firsthand the powerful effects of compassionately being with pain so suffering eases and life becomes more bearable and even enjoyable.

Growing up in Taiwan and Hong Kong with a Korean mother and Swiss father endowed Anouk with an invaluable set of multicultural competencies. Her melting pot upbringing and education in international schools instilled open-mindedness which she embodies when working with clients from all around the world.

Working virtually has opened up a cosmopolitan online practice which she welcomes you to step into and start your healing journey with a Compassionate Inquiry session.

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